Situation Update:
A total of 1,433 confirmed cases have been reported for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) globally.
Twenty-three confirmed cases have been reported outside of China in nine countries.
Of these 23 confirmed cases, 21 had a travel history to Wuhan City, China; one case in Australia had direct contact with a confirmed case from Wuhan while in China; and one confirmed case in Viet Nam had no travel history to any part of China as mentioned in situation report published on 24 January. According to preliminary investigations, this constitutes an instance of human-to-human transmission within a family.
Forty-one deaths have been reported to date (39 deaths in Hubei province, one death in Hebei province, and one in Heilongjiang province).
On 25 January 2020, the number of reported confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV has increased by 474 cases since the last situation report published on 24 January 2020.
Source: The World Health Organization